A flirt, I am not.

But I DO love the “Flirting the Issue” skirt! I may not be as cute as Anna Maria Horner’s daughter who is modeling the skirt for her in the tutorial (Seriously? Good genes much?) but I think I look nice in mine!

As soon as this tutorial popped up a while ago I IMMEDIATELY wanted to make one. I ADORE Anna Maria Horner (have you SEEN her new line?!) and the voiles in her lines are like BUTTAH. So, I obsessed. I obsessed over color. I obsessed over print. I put a million different fabrics in my cart and couldn’t decide. Eventually I realized that I was crazy, that there were no bad choices, and went with a very quiet blue and white combo (shoulda thought about those white legs I’d be sportin’ though).


It was a super easy tutorial! Honestly, what took the longest was threading all those elastics through the little casings, but even that wasn’t as bad as I imagined it would be. Sure, my prints aren’t exactly aligned and yes, that is a safety-pin I’m using to mark the back, but I can wear it in public!

It needs a label. I know.

Whaddya think?

Spring at the Hub's Grandparents

Adorable, right?

About Joanna

I married the "one who got away" and try to remember how lucky I am each and every day.
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7 Responses to A flirt, I am not.

  1. Meghan says:

    Beautiful! That waist looks scary to make, though!

  2. Laurel says:

    I love it!!! Great job…it looks so cute on you! I have an embarrassing amount of fabric from that line and that print might be one of my favorites. Btw, I think I spoke to you at Spoonflower last Sun. : )

  3. anna maria says:

    You did a beautiful job and you also look so lovely in your skirt!
    xoxo, Anna

  4. Very cute! Totally impressed that you made a skirt- I’ve never sewn clothes.

  5. terriaw says:

    Cute skirt! I have several pieces of voile fabric set aside to make this skirt. Can’t wait to try it, once my semester ends next week.

  6. Kaye says:

    How adorable! Your new skill is absolutely amazing!

  7. daisysewing says:

    You look super cute!

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