
Whoopee! Waffle Maker!

My name is Joanna. I’m 26, a teacher and married to the most understanding of men. We bought a house together and are slowly but surely making it our own along with our dogs, Hank and Layla. This blog is going to be devoted to things that make me happy.

Homemade Pineapple Marshmallows Happy. No, I’ve never had them, but I love homemade marshmallows and I love pineapple and they seem like they’d be DIVINE together. My goal is to write about things that are on that level of belly tickling, unknown happiness and fun.

1 Response to About

  1. Xandi Hamilton says:

    My name is Xandi and I _believe_ that I sat next to you at the Triangle Modern Quilt Guild meeting and that we chatted with a third person, Kim, by the door after the meeting. We are starting up a local quilting bee and I wanted to invite you. A few more details on the ning site, but please send me an email if you are interested. So sorry if I have the wrong person – but if I do and you live near Raleigh you should join us anyway! 🙂

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