Tea Towels!

We all love linen, yes?


We all love polka dots? (Oh come on, you know you do, even if you won’t admit it out loud.)


We all love embroidery and monograms?

No? Well I do.

Do I like asking questions and answering them myself?


A while back I bought a half yard of 54″ linen to make some glass towels. FYI-if you don’t already know, linen is MUCH better for drying glass and crystal than regular old dish towels. It has been sitting there, mocking me, for a few months now. It’s very cute-white with aqua polka dots! I just haven’t buckled down and made them.

Anyway, On Sunday, the towel day had come. I had a yucky weekend and needed something happy. So I packed up my dear little Featherweight and headed off to my sewing bee with the linen.

I cut the big piece in half and turned the edges 1/4″, rolled another 1/4″ inch and sewed them down. I did some fancy corner turn-y in thing that makes them look mitered but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to explain how I did it! Then I busted out the ol’ embroidery hoop and sketched a couple of monograms. Oh yes, I did these WITHOUT templates!

Here’s what I came up with:

Pretty cute, huh?

Forgive the hoop outline, I didn't iron!

About Joanna

I married the "one who got away" and try to remember how lucky I am each and every day.
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3 Responses to Tea Towels!

  1. Meghan says:

    These are beautiful, Joanna! I’m super-impressed with your no-template designs 🙂

  2. Joanna's Mom says:

    I’m a smilin’ a BIG smile! They are not only functional, they are down right beautiful! Enjoy!

  3. terriaw says:

    Yes, yes, yes! Love these!

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